Your employees want you to be a coach, not a boss

Ryan Kahn PhilosophyYou don’t hire employees and put together teams of smart people to micromanage them. You build the best team so that you can empower them to solve problems and make the right decision while you focus on other things.

Think about a basketball coach. A coach doesn’t get out there and play the game. A coach assembles the right team, learns their strengths and weaknesses, puts together a game plan, and then lets the players do what they do best.

How do you put together the team for the task? Start by putting together a team of employees whose strengths compliment the others weaknesses. Time should not be wasted on correcting deficiencies. Time is much better spent on developing strengths.

Knowing an employees strengths and weaknesses will also help you assign tasks in a way that is most economical and in a way that leads to the most fulfilling work for your employees.

“Seems pretty logical — if you give someone the work they are good at, then they are more likely to be successful. Spending time forcing, or worse, coercing an employee to complete a task will always be an uphill battle.” (David Bishop, Business Analyst at Yoh)

Being a coach rather than a boss is a win-win. The company gets better, more efficient results, and the employees enjoy the results of accomplishing what they do best.

Want to learn more about being a coach rather than a boss? Read the full article at

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