How many of my employees have a smartphone?

The number may or may not surprise you — 88.1% of the US workforce owns a smartphone.

To get a glimpse of smartphone adoption around the world, take a look at this full list from Wikipedia. The chart below details US smartphone users by year and age group. Zoom in on overall smartphone adoption in the US, an average of 76.3% have a smartphone — that’s 3 out of 4!

However, when focusing solely on the number of people in the workforce who have a smartphone, the percentage increases drastically to 88.1%. And to be honest, that should not come as a huge surprise in 2016. Looking to just a few years in the future, smartphone adoption and usage by employees is expected to exceed 95% (source).

Companies that contact us are seeking to connect with their non-desk workforce who (as the name implies), does not sit behind a desk, does not have a company computer or laptop, and does not have access to or use email.

Another question to consider is, ‘Is there is a difference between smartphone adoption of desktop employees vis-a-vis non-desk?’. In other words, is job role a factor in whether or not an employee owns a smartphone? Nope.

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