Putting the Louisville startup community on the map

When you’re at the center of a bustling startup hub, you’re in the best place on earth. And yes, we’re talking about Louisville, Kentucky. Don’t be that surprised. There’s great stuff here.

What will put the Louisville startup community on the map?

Red e App is listed in a Louisville Business First article discussing the need for successful acquisitions/exits to put Louisville on the startup map.

“There’s more and more entrepreneurs, more and more startups, more angel investors. It’s exciting to be a part of,” said Suzanne Bergmeister, entrepreneur-in-residence at the University of Louisville.

At the end of 2013, individuals involved in Louisville’s startup scene were very pleased with the progress that had been made that year. A few early-stage companies such as Rooibee Red Tea LLC, Red e App and PGXL Laboratories set a path of aggressive growth.

Read the complete article at Louisville Business First.

Amee Kent
Red e App Marketing Director

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