The surprising household income of hourly workers

Over half the population of the U.S. are hourly workers. This important segment of our country makes up the fabric of the U.S. workforce and it seems that there is a common misconception about this group of individuals: They are poor/poverty line people working multiple jobs.

However Red e App’s Profile of the Hourly Worker research suggests something quite different. Despite the notion that most hourly workers have to overcome income challenges, 83% of hourly workers only hold one job and more than half have a household income of $50,000.

Profile of the Hourly Worker - Income Demographics

That number is far from the poverty line, which is a household income of $23,000 for a two adult, two children home. Another staggering fact about the hourly worker is that about 26% live in a household making more than  $75,000 a year.

It is apparent that the hourly worker is not what our assumptions might make them out to be. The common misconception about them are just that — misconceptions. In fact, the Profile of the Hourly Worker research paints a picture of a workforce that is generally loyal, engaged and digitally savvy, but one that is not equipped as such by their employers.

In our opinion, loyal, engaged and digitally savvy employees deserve to be connected, empowered and valued by their employers.

Editor’s Note: Profile of the Hourly Worker’s first report — Demographics, Devices and Disconnection — was released in November 2015. It is an independent survey conducted by Edison Research on behalf of Red e App to discover insights and details about the United States hourly workforce. To request a copy of the report, just drop us your name and email address on the report page.

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