#MobileChat No. 34 with Kimberly Reynolds

How much do you really love mobile?

Do you live and breath it?

Dream about mobile marketing or app development?

Do you love mobile so much you have a tattoo?


Well, our next guest for #MobileChat has a mobile-themed tattoo. Her nickname is even QRKim. Kimberly Reynolds seriously has a passion for mobile.

Kimberly Reynolds is the CEO and website developer of SocialNotz. She is a featured author at SteamFeed.com and is currently working on her first book. She is also a technology enthusiast, which led her to develop the first QR code social media directory, QwikR.me.

Kimberly is a digital technology and communication devotee to the core. Most of all, she is committed to helping others understand the power that social and mobile marketing provides to brands and businesses, which makes her a great asset to the #MobileChat tribe.

Join us Wednesday, April 3rd from 9-10pm EST as we do live Q/A with Kimberly, aka QRKim, and chat about using mobile technology to boost social engagement and web traffic.

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