Keeping Staffers Without Email In the Loop

More than half of the American workforce – such as cashiers, chefs, production workers and more – do not have a digital/email connection to their employer.  That’s 75 million workers being overlooked by enterprise software applications. features Red e App as the means to keeping staffers without email in the loop.


Companies have struggled to communicate digitally with hourly employees. Nurses, factory workers, and hostesses don’t sit at a desk with instant desktop access nor do they have the time to sift through cluttered inboxes.

Entrepreneur: Why is improving engagement with this workforce segment is so important?
Erwin: Understanding who is reading corporate information regarding change management, crisis, training, logistics, scheduling and HR are all critical to business culture, compliance and accountability.  There is accountability for the employee, but also a high level of insight, attention and guidance on an individual level for the organization.  This has simply never been possible before. It is said that employees don’t leave companies, they leave people.  Employees (people) want to have relationships with leadership, they want to believe in the business that they work for and that translates to pride and a sense of ownership in the work product.

Read the complete article, Keeping Staffers without Email in the Loop.

Amee Kent
Red e App Marketing Director 


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